Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hello blue Iris.  I look forward to this one blooming every year.  Just had to share the first bloom with you.  

This was a good surprise this morning.  I found this one last year and it is so different.  Don't you just love when you plant something and get to see it bloom the very first time?   The leaves look a little rough, but that bloom, wow. 

This rust Iris I have had for years and this was the first bloom this season.  Very pretty color.  

The Spiderwort  in the Secret garden popped a few blooms today.  

The color on the Coral bells and the Spiderwort  is really eye candy.  I don't know why I planted them together, but there they are.  

O.K. this spiderwort is really getting full of blooms now. 

Color on the Purple Palace Coral Bells is really rich this year.  With the perfect weather so far it seems all the colors are so bright.  

Coral Bells and my rocks.  As you will see in my beds that I love rocks.  They are good for holding in the moisture.  

If you have never had Coral Bells then try a few.  They look great all year.  If they start to look a little bad for you by August just cut them off at the ground and they will return right away.  They will look just like it's Spring again.  I do that with all my flowers.  Not the annuals though.  I cannot bare to see for instance a Daylily plant that after it's done blooming turn yellow.  Just give it a haircut and it will pop right back up.  This way you can have a Spring garden in the fall.  

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