Asiatic Lilies This poor little red rose is certainly out done by the white lilies, but the contrast of the two shine on. |
This flower bed is on the west side of the building so it does not get any morning sun, but afternoon sun is all it seems to need. |
This is a beautiful lily and I put it right next to the pink Fairy rose. |
I love all the different heights of the Lilies. Just make sure you check what that is before planting. Another plus is that they have different blooming times. |
This little guy is a shorter variety, but still puts on a show. |
I love the white Lilies. I have always wanted to do a complete white bed. The white shows up like moonlight after dark. Maybe this year. |
Really hot color with the yellow. |
Here you can see two different heights. |
I am not sure these two colors go to well together, but it happens when I buy a new plant and just pop it in somewhere. You must admit it's different. |
Pretty little pink ones just waiting for the Fairy rose to start blooming. |
This is a shorter lily, but it is amazing how many blooms they produce. |
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