Sunday, April 1, 2012

O.K. these two seem to love the table in the secret garden.  They were kittens that a Mother white cat brought me as a gift.  She was wild and I would see her every day, but she would never think of letting me get close to her.  Then one evening she stood at my front door with five little kittens.  She rubbed around my legs like she had know me forever.
Now don't get me wrong I love cats, but you must admit that really was smart on her part, because she knew I would help her.
She had three white kittens, one black and white, and one yellow and white.  Well now I could not keep all so I found homes for her and the three white ones.  We still have the two and they are probably around six years old.  They all grew up in the garden and that was a treat for the eyes to watch them playing in the flowers and Herbs.


  1. She treats them like her children. LOL!!!

  2. You know they do because just look at how relaxed he is.
